A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I am the most spoiled woman in the world.

I have the most wonderful husband and the sweetest baby girl. They are more than I ever could have hoped for. I love them more than anything.

We randomly got several inches of snow over the weekend, so we went out to play in it.

Will even got to use his snowblower. It wasn't as fun as he thought. Mostly because our driveway is really crappy, but also because it kept shooting rocks.

Ellie was concerned about all the noise from the snowblower.

She's getting pretty good at walking in the snow.

I'm fairly certain this will be the last real snow we get this winter. I'm ok with that.

After getting to spend a good weekend together (where Will didn't have to work), Will took Monday off so that we could spend our anniversary together. It was really nice. We were mostly lazy all day, reading and playing with Ellie.

 Daddy knows all about being a ninja.

Cutest ninja

(Notice the rosy cheeks. Within the last 4 days or so, all Ellie's molars have finally come in. We've been waiting MONTHS!)

So Monday night we actually got a babysitter. A real one. Paid her and everything. We asked our friend Hannah to watch Ellie for us, since she's pretty much Ellie's best friend (besides Daddy). We went out to eat at the Texas Roadhouse and had ridiculously good steak and ribs. We were very full by the end of it. It was nice not to feel like we had to rush to get back to Ellie. I did pretty good, I only checked my phone a couple of times. And I kept feeling like we'd forgotten something. But Ellie was just fine while we were gone and was fast asleep by the time we got home. Thanks Hannah!

(P.S. the first thing Ellie said when I got her up the next morning was "Hannah?")

Valentine's Day Will had to go back to work :( but he came home mostly on time, which was good because I had a surprise for him!

Pepperoni, mushroom and olives with ranch in the sauce AND cheese-stuffed garlic crust. 

It's totally ok to be jealous, I really don't blame you.

Also, yes, I did cut the pepperonis into hearts. Don't judge.

During dinner Will looked at Ellie and asked if she would be his little Valentine. She very seriously nodded her head yes. It was the cutest thing ever.

We then stayed up reading and then watched some Stark Trek (Deep Space Nine). And ate some of the Reeses that I bought Will. 

The whole time I had one thought:

"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend..." 
(Lucky by Colbie Caillat and Jason Mraz)

I am so lucky to be married to my very best friend. He knows me so well; no one else comes even close. He's my hand warmer, milk sniffer, pant leg straightener, reading buddy, eyelash finder, snuggler, dance partner and my favorite person. These past three years have been the very best of my life. And I can't wait to have infinity more.


  1. I loved being able to watch Ellie for you, she was wonderfully behaved. We had a great time watching Curious George. It warms my heart that she asked about me the next morning. Great job on the heart pizza, Will sure is one lucky fella!

  2. That is the best post about Valentine's Day ever. Happy anniversary and Valentine's Day. I love the pizza, and may have to try doing that sometime... though I'm not as talented at the culinary, home-making arts as you are.
