A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

So a couple weeks ago we had a little bit of snow come our way. It was a few inches. Lucky for us it stuck around a while, until yesterday when it started raining.

Ellie and I took advantage of "the little bits of Heaven floating gently by the window".

She got to wear her snowsuit. It makes her look like a beautiful little puffball.

She wasn't quite sure what to do about it. And she didn't like that the snowflakes stuck to her eyelashes.

We were outside waiting for Daddy to come home, and it's a good thing he made it quick, because Ellie got sick of the snow. It kept getting stuck to her shoes and she kept slipping and falling in the mud.

She looks so happy here.

And while she doesn't look super happy in her snowsuit, she loves to wear her beanies and mittens.

{you can dance if you want to}

yes, she's wearing 2 hats

Also, she loves to play with her Daddy.

We're heading down to Virginia in about a week and we are SOOO excited to have a good vacation with family!

I just LOVE Christmas and this year has that wonderful feeling to it, even though I'm disappointed that we haven't gotten more snow. Christmas is about family, and I am so very grateful for the wonderful family that I have, and that I have married into.



  1. she is so pretty!!

    also, the song in the title of your post ALWAYS reminds me of you, and sitting in social studies in South Africa in like 8th or 9th grade, and you telling me that the song reminds you of Michael Caine because he's Scrooge. haha (did that make any sense?)

  2. oh my gosh, i miss my dear ellie so dang much!!! look how long her hair has gotten! ahhhh!!!! i want to eat her up!!!!

  3. I LOVE the first picture of Ellie with her 2 hats and mittens on, such a cutie!
