A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy December!

I don't know about you, but I'm loving December! I am so excited for Christmas, it's not even funny. Except maybe to Will.

I forgot to mention it but over Thanksgiving break we discovered something new about Ellie.

This is Gracie and her favorite doll, Pink Baby.

And these are just a couple of the times Ellie stole Pink Baby and refused to give her back, which made Gracie very upset.

So now I'm going to trust you with a secret: I bought Ellie her very own "Pink Baby" for Christmas and I am so excited to give it to her. I hope she likes it.

That's just one sign of how big she's getting. And to show how quickly she's growing, here are some more signs:

That's right, she's starting to talk.

Here is a list of words she can say (kind of):
Daddy (dah-tee)
Ellie (eh-yee)
truck (ruh)
tutu (doot-doo)
yuck (yuh)
bathtub (bah-buh)
night-night (nigh-nigh)
moon (moom/boon)
thank you  (dah-doo)
all done (aaaaah-duh)

Other fun things I've neglected to put up before now:

Ellie as a ninja.

Trying to wear Mama's (lovely) shoes to church.

Just a little too big...

Her new favorite thing, though, is the Christmas tree.

We had a tiny Christmas tree before, but not that we have our own house, with plenty of room, I wanted a big one. And I LOVE it! It makes me so happy every time I walk into the living room. Here it is:

It's so beautiful! (P.S. the present on the left is Ellie new doll!)

We put it up when Ellie was asleep, so I don't think she realizes that the ornaments can come off. And we're doing our best to keep it that way.

Giving the tree some snuggles

Being very soft with it

I'm so excited for our presents too. We'll go more into that after we actually get to open them (for real), but it will be amazing.

But I'm most excited about getting together with my family! It won't be all of us, but it will still be tons of fun. 

And even though we haven't had real snow yet, we are glad for the nice weather we've had...

even if it's a little chillier than I normally care for.

Happy December everyone!


  1. Your tree is GORGEOUS. I'm so jealous. I need to get some ornaments for ours.... but that probably won't be reasonable until after Christmas.

    Ellie's getting so big. So much fun!

  2. Your Christmas Tree turned out absolutely beautiful!

  3. Your tree is beautiful. Ellie is beautiful. You are beautiful. Your shoes are really, really old and not so beautiful.

  4. i about cried when i heard my ellie say "tu tu" i couldn't be more proud. your tree is gorgeous! it looks very similar to ours ;) i'm sooo excited for christmas!!! i get to see my husband!!! love you mary!
