A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Interesting Facts

Sometimes when Will and I are going to bed  (or just waking up) we randomly share little things that Ellie has done that make us laugh. Some of them are things that she does everyday, and some of them are new. I thought I'd share of few of these things, since most people reading this don't get to see her every day like we do.

-When she whines (not a real cry) she says "Bweeee-heee!" in a really pathetic voice. It's pretty hilarious.
-She thinks it's funny to smooch someone on the nose.
-She loves to snuggle. When she snuggles me, she pats my back, because that's what I do to her. I have seen her snuggle: the bath tub, the bath water, various foods, her bib, her tray, her water cup, her pajamas, her feet, my feet, the ground (ouch!), the dishwasher and of course her various toys.

In case you are a poor soul that doesn't know what a snuggle looks like, this is it.
-She recently learned what a horse says, and apparently she also knows what dragons and ducks say.
-She will pick up little pieces of food that she finds on the floor (most likely put there by her) and give them to me, then point to the trash. She will not, however, pick up pieces of banana because they are too slimy.
-This morning she brought me her doot-doo (tutu) and when I didn't put it on her immediately, she tried to show me how.

She manages to tutu/overall look very well.
-When you bring her food and she's in her high chair, she shows you where to put it on her tray.
-She will not eat her food if she gets large amounts of it on her hands or messy pieces on her tray. If she decides she is done with a certain kind of food ALL of it has to be off her tray or she will not eat other stuff.
-She tells on herself when she goes places she's not supposed to.
-She has a hiding place in every room for when I vacuum.

This also works for hiding from Daddy or an escape from diaper changes and tooth brushing.
-She LOVES to unload the dishwasher. It's one of the few things that just mentioning it will stop her in her tracks. The other things? Going outside, changing clothes, and getting her milk out of the refrigerator.
-When she hurts herself, she only cries if it's really bad (or if it's before 8 a.m. or after 3 p.m.). All the other times she just points to the part that she hurt and says "uh?"

-If she wears her jacket the hood HAS TO be up. No exceptions. And she has just recently learned how to unzip it, so that's a distraction.
-If you give her a cloth, she will clean whatever she can reach.
-Her favorite animal depends on the situation. Favorite animal noise to make: tied between snake, dog, and sheep (at least those are the noises I hear coming from her room when she should be sleeping). Favorite animal to look at: frog. Favorite animal painted on her wall: tie between snake and spider.
-When she's putting things away (another trick just recently learned) bottles or jars have to be standing up. If they tip over, she will not rest until they are right-side-up.
-She does not like to ride in the car, although we just put in her forward-facing car seat, so she might like it better now (hopefully).

-She only sleeps in her crib. She will occasionally sleep in the car if necessary, but I can count on one finger the number of times she's fallen asleep in my arms since she was tiny tiny.
-She spanks herself when told, and will spank others on command (something that Daddy abuses).
-Yesterday she told me no. For the first time. I'm pretty sure it won't be the last.
-I've noticed her looking like (or reminding me of) her cousins Shaylee, Caleb, Peter, Gracie and Cody.
- If you give her pieces of ham, she will most likely stick them to her face.
-The 2 most common comments we get about her from strangers are #1: Look at those blue eyes! and #2: do those fingers taste good?

Poor scarface baby!
She's a very sweet baby and I hope that everyone (especially family) gets to know her better. She has so much personality for such a little thing and she is absolutely hilarious to watch. We love her to pieces.

1 comment:

  1. =) So cute! Ryan and I do that too. Wonder if it's a parent thing...
