A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So welcoming Mike home coincided with Ashlynne's first birthday, which is 2 weeks after Ellie's birthday. We had a combined birthday/welcome home bash.
Once again, my amazing sister took most of these pictures. The really bad quality ones are mine.

See, my sister-in-law Whitney is AMAZING at planning these parties.

She even had a gluten-free cake made so that my other sister-in-law, Jenni, could party too.

 For Ellie and Ashlynne's birthdays. I totally meant to take Ellie's home with us, but I forgot it :(

And Mikey's welcome home. The kids decorated the banner.

If you look very closely you might be able to see: sharks, anglerfish, Spiderman, Indiana Jones, airplanes, Yoda, an octopus and the signatures of 2 of the artists (and the scribbles of the one that can't sign his name yet). And Jaymie's flower.

Kyler sneaking treats...

Before the party could start, we had to wait for my big brother Jeff to get home from work.

You can guess what kind of work he does.

Jeff and Whitney are married and have the 2 little blond stinkers, Cody and Kyler.

Whitney is also Michael's girlfriend. Jeff does not like this. We thought it would take Mike longer to start stealing someone else's wife, but it only took him a few hours.

When Whitney planned this party, she also bought super cute outfits for the 2 princesses to wear:

Now, I'm not much for pink, but these babies make it look good.

me, Ellie, Ashlynne, Jenni
I learned something about Ellie on this trip: she's a bully. Here I am actually trying to stop her from beating up on her twin cousin.

The guests of honor (and mothers).

She snarfed that cake.

Aw, family.

1 comment:

  1. What great family fun. Ellie looks very cute in her pink birthday outfit!
