A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I would formally like to welcome Lester into the family.

As you might have guessed, Lester is my "new" car. 

He is, in fact, a 1998 Buick LaSabre Limited. 160,000 miles.

Just old enough to be classy, and new enough to be savvy.

We got him for $1500 plus the cost of a new muffler and getting the console reset.

Not too shabby. 

Besides missing the muffler and the console not working, the car smells like dog. If I could communicate it properly in writing the car wouldn't just smell like dog, it would SMELL LIKE DOG! That might give you some idea.

I would have taken pictures of the inside, but I didn't happen to bring my keys out with me. And I was too lazy to go inside and get them. I'm sure you really, really care about how the inside looks, so I apologize for my laziness.

So welcome to Lester. He will be much easier for me to drive around town than his big brother Jupiter (Will's Jeep), especially due to recent developments.

Recent Developments

Now, this is a random side note. I believe it is worth mentioning, but not sure it needs it's own post. This has to do with toilet seats.

A couple of days ago we bought new toilet seats to replace the nasty ones that came with the house. They were the wrong size. After we bought this car I thought, "Oh, I can return the toilet seats because I have a car!" Little did I know the doom I had put myself in.

On the way out the door I was juggling a baby (20 lbs), a car seat (20 lbs), and 2 toilet seats (approx. 5,000 lbs). Being as brilliant as I am, I decided to hold the baby and put the toilet seats in the car seat, because they are awkward to carry. And, of course, on the way out the door the toilet seats slid out of the car seat to land right on my foot. I did not, however, drop the baby.

I was sure that I had shattered my whole foot and that I was going to die. I managed to get Will to come home and save me, at the same time holding a bag of frozen green beans on my foot and trying to keep Ellie from playing with the green beans. As far as we can tell nothing is broken, although I'm pretty sure to lose at least one toenail. 

Hopefully I will develop a wonderful bruise across the top of my foot, because it will make me feel like less of a wimp. Also, that black thing on my middle toe is not dirt. It is a very small cut with a bruise around it. I'm sure if I took off my ugly nail polish my toe nail would be a beautiful shade of black. The wonderful shine on my foot is due to a constant layer of IceyHot, which works wonderfully on bruises, by the way.

What does this have to do with my car? Well, it's an automatic (unlike Jupiter). And being an automatic, it does not require me to push in the clutch. Which would have been entirely not fun with a not-quite-broken foot. And because it was my left foot that got smashed, I can still drive my car. Yay.

The End


  1. Sorry to hear about the foot. I happen to like the nail polish, though it might become less becoming when it's missed on one of the toes soon...

  2. I'm glad you finally found yourself a car, not so glad about the foot, hope it gets feeling better soon.
