A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Ellie!

I know, her birthday was yesterday and I didn't even put up a blog post.

I'm a horrible mom.

I honestly tried though. I made this cute movie (see below) and tried to put it up for over an hour before I called it quits. Will finally got it up for me. The quality is horrible, but I spent quite a bit of time on it, so hopefully someone will appreciate it. 

So here is my movie.

Then last night we celebrated. I made Ellie some blueberry muffins instead of cake, because muffins are like crack to this baby. Seriously.

Then she opened her presents. It took her a while to figure out the wrapping paper and once she did, all she wanted was to play with her new toy. She didn't care about the clothes I'd gotten her.

She loved that toy so much that she carried around pieces of it all night, even into the bathtub.

And so my baby is a year old already. I can't even believe it!

We're going to have another awesome family party in a couple of weeks when my little brother, Michael, gets home from his mission and my niece (Ellie's twin cousin), Ashlynne, has her birthday. 

It will be a Rollins gathering to remember. I'm soooo excited!!!!


  1. Should you decide to monetize this blog through Google AdWords or some other advertising venue, Caleb and Peter are demanding a portion of the proceeds since their likenesses have been repeatedly used without their express written consent or permission.

  2. adorable mary! i wanted to cry during the video, mostly because she's so sweet and only a tiny bit because i was laughing so hard when i saw will showing her the computer's insides. haha. i couldn't be more excited for this party either!! can't wait to see you guys! sqeeze ellie for me!! -whitney
