A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gabe's Blessing

Last year I was lucky enough to go with my parents and watch my adopted nephew Jacob get sealed to his family forever. This year I had a very similar experience, only this one had more babies.

Will's brother and his wife, Lloyd and Lisa Zilch, adopted a sweet baby boy named Gabriel William last November, and last month he also got sealed to his parents, his big sister Grace and his baby sister Nora. 

If you're wondering how a baby can have a baby sister, it's because Gabe and Nora are about 3 months apart.

They were all sealed together in the Louisville, Kentucky Temple and our family got to go out and be part of it. Also there were several members of Lisa's family and Will's mom and two sisters. And us. 

Denise and Gabe
Lloyd and Nora
Happy Family!

This little boy is so stinking cute I can hardly stand it.

 DeLayne, Carri with baby Lief, Lisa with Gabe, Lloyd with Grace, Denise, Will with Ellie, and me with Nora.
All the Zilches! Ellie was being a stinker and trying to grab Nora's bow.

After the sealing we all went out to Red Robin. Ellie was kind of a monster, but thankfully she's a cute one.

She's gotten into the habit of making everything with a hole in the middle a bracelet. Or anklet. She must get that from Will because she certainly didn't get it from me.

Anything not made into a bracelet becomes a hat. Or in this case a crown.

And here she is apologizing to her Daddy for her beastly behavior by bestowing upon him the coveted nose-bite, the highest form of baby affection.

After spending a couple of days in Kentucky, we then drove to Indiana to spend some quality time with Will's family.

Little Nora is such a good baby, she just sleeps right through everything and hardly ever cries.

This little stinker, on the other hand, is loud, opinionated, and always hungry. But with cheeks like those, he can sure get away with it.

And Gracie was so good, considering everything she was going through. It's hard for any 3 year-old to get a new sibling, let alone 2. But she loves those babies.

All dressed up and ready to fight bad guys!

It was a fun trip, but it's good to have settled down for a while. All that traveling can just wear you right out...

1 comment:

  1. Wowzas - sounds like an awesome trip! Lots of cute pictures of lots of cute kids =)
