A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I'm just going to say it: MY LIFE IS AWESOME! It's by no means perfect, but I'm pretty darn happy. I have a nice home, a wonderful husband and a beautiful baby girl. I have electricity, a washer and dryer and a working car. I have food, water and ice cream. I have work, play, hobbies and rest. I have a wonderful family and awesome in-laws. I have the gospel and good friends. I have plans and dreams and I can't wait for all the future has to offer.

All ups have downs; sometimes bad things happen. I have a sister with cancer. The only funeral I've been to was for my tiny nephew. The last month of my pregnancy I could hardly walk due to a very painful pinched nerve. My husband will be gone for most of the next few months. The rent we pay for this apartment is above and beyond ridiculous. Ellie went through 7 outfits yesterday.

This past week has been especially frustrating, for various reasons. Sometimes I look back at my life and wonder how I can be so happy when so much seems to have gone wrong. The answer: I'm not exactly sure. It's a fairly new development. Maybe I've just grown up a lot in the last few years. Maybe I'm getting better at handling change. Maybe I don't have as much time to find reasons to feel depressed. Maybe it's all those reason and more.

The point is, life is good. And even though sometimes I cry and sometimes I complain, I'm pretty spoiled. And I know it.

1 comment:

  1. wow. these are my thoughts exactly! couldn't have said it better. love you mary!!
