A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blah blah blah

So I've noticed that I'm bad at blogging. I've been on other peoples' blog enough to realize that when you have a blog, you're generally supposed to post things on it. I've manage to do that. Sometimes. But I can't help but notice that my posts are lacking the... intimate personal details that are supposed to be posted for the world to see. I apologize for this. My excuse is this: generally my conversations are about 4 things: (can you do a double colon?) things no one else really cares about, gossip, complaining and bragging. Maybe some small talk, although I'm not great at that.

Since no one really wants to hear my views on African politics or fascinating facts about canines and I would feel bad gossiping (online), that leaves me with complaining and bragging. I could go on and on about my practically perfect marriage or that my daughter has slept through the night since she was 3 weeks old. Or I could groan and complain about my smoking neighbors, the cost of living or that my daughter doesn't really like to sleep during the day. Either I'm just down-right obnoxious or totally pessimistic... or bi-polar. While it's entirely possible that I am all 3 of those things, I don't really feel like the whole world needs to know, despite the fact that I secretly feel that no one really reads our blog anyway. Probably because it's boring.

Don't get me wrong, I have plenty to say. I don't talk to too many people, but sometimes I have a hard time shutting up. Just ask my poor husband. I'm just very much an introvert. Sometimes I go a whole week only talking to my husband and my mom and I don't even realize it. I leave our 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment maybe... 3 times a week. Maybe. That includes taking out trash, going to church, going to the grocery store, going to visit my family. And I'm perfectly fine with that. (See what happens when I get started? Anyone reading this probably thinks I'm a bi-polar anti-social weirdo. It's pretty much true.)

So in the spirit of extremely personal blogging, here is some personal information you probably don't care to know: I haven't vacuumed our carpets in about 4 months, I plan on having leftover lasagna with mushrooms for lunch, and I did not shave my legs today, because I didn't want to. That is all.


  1. Mary, you have no idea how alike you and I are. I leave my apartment about as much as you and I rarely talk to other people outside of Ashlynne, Ryan, my parents, and my sisters. I sometimes miss talking to other people, but not too often. And honestly - with a few minor exceptions - it could have been me who wrote this blog post.

    And by the way - I love your blog and it's NOT boring.

  2. Lol, and you know that's not a lie when I stay up until 1 AM reading it to catch up!

  3. Haha, thanks Jenni. Glad to know I'm not the only introvert and that people do read our blog. :)
