A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Well, due to our upcoming baby, Will and I have decided to start a blog. Hopefully this will make it easier to keep people up to date and put up pictures.

At this point Will is working at Lockheed Martin and I'm at home growing a baby. Our due date is August 11, which is just over a week and a half away. We're having a little girl, and we've decided on the first name Ellie, although we haven't officially decided a middle name yet. We've got the nursery all set up and we've had our hospital bag packed for a couple of weeks already. And we're starting to get impatient. But baby's come when they think they're ready, so we'll just hope that she wants to meet us soon. Really soon.

As What To Expect When You're Expecting says: "No pregnancy on record ever went on forever." Here's hoping I'm not the first...


  1. Leave out the middle name, so the initials are EZ. Wait, on second thought, that might be bad. You should make her official name Elephant (Ellie for short), or perhaps Elvira, Elektra, or Elbowgrease.

  2. I'm fairly confident she'll be "Smelly Ellie" for the first 20 years or so of her life....
