A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New House!!

So here's the post you've all been waiting for!
Or not. That's cool too.

But we're pretty excited about it.

I didn't actually take a picture of the outside, but here's the one that was on the listing.

Want a tour?


half bath and coat closet

front room/sitting room

dining room
(don't you just love those curtains? I can't wait to take them down)

kitchen (duh)

eat in kitchen

other living room/aka "fireplace room"
this was while we were waiting for the movers to show up

door to garage and door to basement


half bath in basement
(and cute little boy!)

to the upstairs!

four bedrooms and a full bath

double doors to master sitting area

huge master bedroom

weirdly arranged, but huge nonetheless

master bath

master bath

master walk-in closet

spare bedroom/mancave

Ellie's room

Malcolm's room

upstairs laundry

Ok, so they're empty rooms. But now they are full of all sorts of random things and everything is super messy.

for example... this was today
and yes, that is Ellie "hugging" Malcolm in his bouncy seat.

also, we have a deck and a little tiny backyard.

And that's the house! We got a decent price on it because everything (seriously, EVERYTHING) needs to be upgraded. So we have a lot of work to do. But it's so nice to have our own space and our own stuff!

And here's some random pictures

She squishes him a lot

kitty with a headband

handsome boy

look at those chins

Anyway, we will update as we... update.
And we close on our other house in a couple weeks.
(that's right, we have 2 houses.)

Yay! Life is good!


  1. ahhh i'm so jealous of your house(s). (which, by the way, 2 houses? are you guys renting the other one out?) kent and i can't buy because his work could move us at any time so we're stuck renting for now. your house looks soo cute! (although, yeah, those curtains are ba-aaad.) can't wait to see it as you make it your own :)

    and as always, adorable kiddos!

  2. Looks great! A lot of cool features, but I'm most jealous of your wall of built-in bookshelves in the basement.

  3. Looks like a GREAT house Mary, I'm super excited for you guys!!!
