A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Friday, March 15, 2013

More Baby Stuff

Let's just set this straight: almost every post for the rest of my blogging life will be about my babies. 

Also, I haven't been great about putting up posts, but I've spent the day trying to sleep off the stomach flu (again) and since I am no longer sleepy and don't want to contaminate other people, I actually have time to write blog posts. It's so exciting.

So, I didn't get any pictures of Malcolm coming home from the hospital. We ended up waiting around for several hours longer than we originally thought because the doctor that was going to do the circumcision had a random bunch of C-sections to do. But we finally made it home and I got to see my Ellie! I had never been away from her for anywhere near that long before, so I missed her a lot. When I walked in the door, she was sitting at the table and pretty much ignored me. When Will comes home from work everyday, she screams "Daddy!" and jumps up and down and climbs all over him. When I'm gone for 2 days she ignores me. That's ok, I kind of expected it. Anyway, she was excited to see Malcolm. Although she kept saying his name was Ian, because that was our name that we liked and we didn't actually decide on his name until right before he was born.

Anyway, about half an hour after we got home people started coming over, because we were celebrating my nephew's first birthday. He was born February 29 last year, so they celebrated on March 1.

Happy birthday Ethan!

Cute monkey cake! Ethan's mom is allergic to gluten, so the head was gluten free.

All the cousins helped open the presents. I was off feeding Malcolm, but I guess Ellie got upset that the presents weren't for her. Silly goose.

Malcolm went in for his checkup when he was 6 days old. It was snowy and nasty outside and, due to some scheduling difficulties, we ended up having to go in first thing in the morning. I promised Ellie she could come because it was her doctor too and she really liked their little chairs. Anyway, we all went and it was gross and cold and wet outside. When we got in, Malcolm had put on 3 ounces. Most babies lose weight right after they are born. Not this little chunk. Everything looked good and Ellie got to sit on her chair.

Now Malcolm is 2 weeks old. He no longer fits into newborn diapers or outfits. Good thing we didn't have that many.

we start them young

smile and a dimple

His hair always looks greasy because I can't stop touching it.

freshly washed

proud big sister

This was from my sister-in-law Whitney who is very cool, knows my love of penguins, and is having a baby boy herself (her third) in about a month.

And finally, Will's work was kind enough to send a gift in congrats for the baby.

Edible Arrangements. I've always wanted to try one. It was pretty good, except that it was mostly melon and I'm allergic to melon. And the chocolate covered bits were bananas, and I hate bananas. But the pineapple was way good. And it was pretty cool just to get one.

Malcolm is a good sleeper and he eats a ton. He is also very good at waiting until I have just changed his diaper (or have his diaper off) to poop. Also, he has managed to pee on his own face. He is almost always eating his hands, because we don't feed him enough apparently. And he is a really noisy sleeper. And he has perfectly shaped ears. And super long eyelashes that you can finally see because his face isn't so swollen anymore. I like him.

Ellie loves Malcolm. And she's starting to like me again, even though I still can't do a whole lot of fun things with her. She doesn't quite understand why he can't play with her yet, or why he doesn't want her toys when she shares them with him. And she doesn't like that he sleeps so much. But she is very proud to be a big sister, even though she likes to pretend she's a baby a lot of the time. She's acted up a little bit, but I don't blame the poor girl, what with moving and then a new baby and me not being able to do a whole lot with her. Thankfully we have Grandma and Grandpa to help keep her distracted and to hold Malcolm for us so we can play with Ellie.

That's all folks.

1 comment:

  1. the pictures of ellie and malcolm together are beyond precious!
