A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tattoos and Needles

So this isn't another complaining post about moving and whatever.
This is happy.

Moving stuff is actually going well. The house is listed (we've got a showing next week), the movers are booked, the driveway is scheduled and I've packed about 1/4 of our stuff just to have something to do. All we have to do now is get everything packed up and get the house sold. And that's mostly out of our hands.

So yesterday we had some doctor appointments and Will had to come and drive us because I don't have a car anymore. (Not having a car sucks, by the way). Anyway, it all worked out because he needed a flu shot. But first we had a baby appointment. Everything went well and the best part was the baby kicking the doppler stethoscope. Baby kicks a lot. And pretty hard. If I was any good at getting my weekly belly shots done, I'd have one for 21 weeks up here. But I don't. Sorry.

Then we went and got flu shots. Ellie had her 2 year checkup. She was supposed to have it back in August, but not having a car... anyway, we finally got her in. She had a real checkup, not a baby one. They checked her reflexes and her eyes and ears and all the normal things. She did really well. And we told her she was going to get a little owie and then she'd get a treat. She didn't really struggle during the shot, but she cried. Until she saw the lollipop she was gonna get, then she was all better. She'd never had a lollipop before, so it was a treat. She also got a tattoo.

We're hardcore in this house.

She keeps saying she has a fish in her tummy, so we gave her one.

I couldn't get over how big she was. I still can't. I almost cried in that stupid checkup room because she was so little, but being so big (and also because of hormones, probably). I know she's only 2, but my little girl is growing up. It's adorable and heartbreaking at the same time.

I had a cute video of Ellie making happy faces out of popsicle sticks, but for some reason it's not working. Maybe some other time.

So here's some more happy stuff:

Last night Ellie was supposed to be eating her dinner, but she wouldn't. She kept saying she needed a bath. We kept telling her no. Will was trying to convince her to eat when she said, "How about... *cute head tilt* 2 minutes. Play in bathtub. Ellie dirty. Just 2 minutes." I don't know where she learned to negotiate, but she's got some crazy skills.

My parents have this cute little string of ghosts hanging up at their house. They light up and make noises, but you can turn them off. The noises are actually pretty spooky. (These are the same ghosts that went off in the middle of the night last year and convinced me and Will that the zombies were really coming.) Anyway, Ellie is terrified by them. Or, in her own words, "Ellie love ghosts. Ellie doesn't want play with ghosts anymore." She wouldn't walk past them by herself, even when they were off, and she refused to touch them. So finally my dad took them down. That was a week ago and Ellie STILL talks about them. She asks me at least 3 times a day whether Grandpa put the ghosts away. But she keeps insisting that she loves ghosts.

Ellie is excited about Halloween. She is excited to be a butterfly. She is excited to go back to Grandma and Grandpa's. Her favorite shirt has candy corn bats on it. And she loves saying "Happy Halloween!" The other day I heard her singing a song about yelling Happy Halloween on the potty.

She has also decided that the baby is her baby. She keeps coming up and giving my tummy kisses and talking about "Ellie's baby". I think it's cute.

Ellie was doing "homework" (aka coloring) when I got up for a minute to go to the bathroom... and found this:

Little stinker.

That might be it. We have the septic inspector coming in a few minutes and I need to get Ellie up. Anyway, that's my happy for the day.

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