A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Random Thoughts

Today is an important day.

Today we are hoping to finally have someone look at our driveway.

Today we will hear back from the moving company and finalize all the details.

Today I will fill out 3 pounds of paperwork that I don't understand so that our house can go up for sale.

Two weeks from today, we move.

Today Ellie has thrown 4 major fits, and it's only 8:40 am.

Today Will will be gone for almost the whole day, first at work, then at mutual (working with the youth at our church)

Today I have to figure out how to fit all our trash into the limited 4 bags and 2 large items for the week.

Today I am officially 20 weeks pregnant. That means I am half-way done.

Now that it's sinking in, I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. And it's funny because there's a lot to do... but most of it will not be done by us. So I feel like I should be doing things, and there's really nothing I can do. The most annoying thing is our stupid driveway. It was bad when we moved in, but in February it got washed out and now it's absolutely horrible. Even Will's Jeep stalls going up the driveway. We can't get a moving truck in or sell the house without fixing the driveway. And fixing the driveway will cost us a ridiculous amount of money that we probably won't get back from selling the house.

Assuming the house gets sold. There are a lot of houses up for sale on our street and the prime selling time is over. I'm super frustrated with this job for making us wait soooo long, and then telling us we had less than a month to get everything together.

We can't buy a new house until this one sells. So if everything goes the way I hope, this house will get sold in November, we'll get a new house in December, and be all moved in and good to go when this baby comes in February/early March. But since I have no control over any of that, all I can do is sit here. And pack boxes that don't need packing and clean things that don't need cleaning and make lists and lists of things that need to be done and try to work on my stupid class that I really just don't care about right now and be so tired by the time Will gets home that I haven't made anything for dinner. And of course keep up with a toddler that never stops moving.

On that exciting note, here are some not so gloomy things that have happened lately:

I was eligible for a phone upgrade, which means that Will got a new phone and I got his old one. I'm happy with a phone that calls people, and lets people call me. Which neither of our phones do out here. But of course Will is all about technology, so he gets the latest toy and I end up with his old one. I told him he couldn't play with his new one (Galaxy SIII) until Ellie went to bed. He was seriously just like a kid with a new toy.

It's Fall now! Ellie and I played in some leaves.

She liked to lay in the leaves that I was trying to rake.

Last night I informed Will that we need to come up with something to call our baby. Up until now we have been calling it whatever sized fruit/vegetable it is comparable to. For instance, this week baby is the size of a banana. Therefore baby would be called banana. I thought it would get easier when we found out the gender, but since we didn't find out, that didn't work out so well. So as we were going to bed, we had the following conversation:

Me: We need something to call our baby.
Will: Oh yeah? Like what?
Me: I've come up with a few options: Bubba or Chubba.
Will: How about Bubba-Chubba?
*laughter of people that are way too tired*
*several attempts to say Bubba-Chubba*
Me: How about Bubba-Chubba-Hubba?
*more laughter*
Will: No. I've got it. It's PERFECT! Falcon 9!
Me: Copy Red Leader.
Will: *getting all excited* No, Falcon 9! They launched it and one engine broke, but it still works with 8 engines!!
Me: Um, I will not call our baby that.
Will: Well, I'm gonna call our baby Falcon 9.
Me: Fine, then I'm gonna call our baby Bubba-Chubba-Hubba.
Will: Fine!
Me: Fine!

Anyway, it was a lot funnier in person. If you're really tired.

Some funny things about Ellie:
She says "Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full."
And "No way Jose!" (Comes out as No hozee hozee!)
She'll repeatedly ask you "What that sound?" until you guess the sound she is listening to.
She refuses to say lion or silly. They come out as "yanin" and "see-zee". She can say them correctly, but she just won't.
If I rub my eyes or put my hands anywhere near my face, she asks me "What wrong Momma?"
She also likes to hide things and then ask me where they are.
Apparently whenever we listen to "tunes" we also have to be cleaning.
Her coloring books are now "homework".
Anytime I'm on the phone I must either be talking to Daddy or Grandma. Or she gets upset.

Last week was my friend Hannah's birthday, so on Friday we took her out on a "date". We went to the best Mexican restaurant I've ever been to. It also happens to be my #1 craving for the past... 4 months. It's called Mi Pueblo. Anyway, we had amazing food, got Dairy Queen afterwards and then came back to our house, put Ellie down for the night, and watched Avengers (again). It was fun. I'm thinking we might have to do it one more time before we leave... (any excuse for Mi Pueblo).

 Also on Friday we went to Goodwill. Normally it's not all that great, but we got a good haul. I got a new coat that will fit over my tummy when I'm huge, a bunch of warm Ellie clothes, a new purse and some other random stuff all for about $30.

Speaking of Ellie clothes, Ellie has moved up to a 4T in just about everything. That's clothing meant for an average sized 4 year-old. Well, in length she's moved up to a 4T. Everything looks baggy on her, but at least her sleeves are long enough. And she needs a belt with her 3T pants, but they are too short. She has also moved up to a size 8 shoe. At the beginning of the summer she was a size 6.

In about a year she's grown about 6 inches. She just had a little growth spurt.

We also had a newlywed couple over for dinner on Saturday. Go figure as soon as I try and go out of my way to make new friends, we have to move.

Anyway, back to moving. It's depressing and exciting at the same time. I like living here. I like my house. I like our ward. I have friends here. I don't like the road we live on. I don't like that I can't take Ellie places. I don't like that I can't go running or walking anywhere.

Of the houses that we've looked at that I really like, one is right by my brother and his family, one is right by my sister and her family, and one is pretty close to my parents. And they are all in the same neighborhood. A neighborhood I like and know. And this job is better than our current one. But Will has to commute. And I don't really know anyone in that area anymore. And it's a lot more expensive.

So it really just depends on the day, as to whether or not I want to move. It's all very confusing and frustrating.

I think that's all I was trying to say.


  1. I have moved three times in the last year, and being done with moving is one of the best things ever. Look forward to it :D

  2. So when you said you need to do it again (Mi Pueblo) before you leave, does that include me again...because I'm ALL for it!!!!!
