A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oh Baby!

So for anyone who missed the news: we're pregnant!

I'm due the end of February 2013, which puts me about 3 months along at this point. That means I'm past the "why the heck did I ever want to be pregnant, kill me now" point and now at the "why the heck am I crying, maybe I need a nap" point.

I'm also, weirdly enough, at the "what the heck am I supposed to wear" point. See, when I was pregnant with Ellie, it took me forever to start showing and even at the end I wasn't all that big. I'm not sure that will be the case this time.

Just, say, as an example, let's look at some photos.

17 weeks with Ellie.

22 weeks with Ellie.

This is me last week at 12 weeks.

Scroll up and down a few times. 

The funniest part is, that bump was not there a week ago. I honestly woke up one day and it was there. Awkward. It throws me off balance, it bumps into things, and it gets bigger as the day goes on. It's true. Because the baby is not big enough to give me that much of a tummy. That is my organs rearranging themselves inside my short torso in order to make room for the baby. And it's not that I've put on a bunch of weight, because at that point I had only gained 1 pound.

It also probably helps that I'm 20 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant with Ellie.

Anyway, that is my tummy spiel. And if you mention it to me, you'll hear the whole thing again. Because it is totally weirding me out.

Anyway, back to baby. We actually announced it to my family at Ellie and Ashlynne's birthday party.

It was one of the presents she opened. 

The next week, we announced it when Will's mom and sisters came to visit (another post on that later).

I tried to get a good picture of her wearing the shirt, but the girl would not hold still.

So we're excited. When I had to explain to Ellie that she needs to be careful because there's a baby in my tummy, she decided that she has a fish in her tummy. Makes perfect sense to me.

We find out the gender in 5 weeks. We haven't had any ultrasounds yet, so I'm really looking forward to it. There's something about seeing it that makes it more real. And feeling it too, but I'm not quite there yet.

Anyway, I'm constantly tired, I cry over the strangest things, my clothes don't fit and I have to pee every 10 minutes. But at least I'm not constantly sick. 

So that's basically it. We'll update as we learn more.



  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! =D =D =D It will be interesting to see how big you get this time. I didn't notice that much of a difference between my babies. But I'm also SHORT.

  2. By the way, I'm STILL at my "what the heck do I wear" stage.
