A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Air and Space Museum

A couple weeks ago we got to go down to VA again because Will had a conference he had to go to out there. So we went down for the weekend to hang out.

We also got to see my buddy Brandon, who I knew from my high school years in South Africa. He came to visit the U.S. and actually took the time to come visit us. So we met up at the Air and Space Museum, over by Dulles.

Mom, Dad, and Brandon

Poor Ellie had been up all night and had not taken a nap at all that day. Notice her rosy cheeks, evidence of her molars coming in (side note: that was several week ago, and her first molar finally broke through a couple days ago)

The boys went on a shuttle ride. From what I understand it wasn't all that exciting. But I wasn't brave enough to go on it, so I won't say anything.

Ellie was pretty good, all things considered.

Except when she was trying to escape.

Space teddy bear.

I liked the Pepsi plane.

The Enterprise!

Best. Family. Picture. Ever.

The Blackbird was Will's favorite.

Will works for Lockheed, so it's especially awesome.

More Lockheed Martin. Will thought it was silly for me to take pictures of Lockheed stuff, but I think it's cool.

Will walked past several signs like this with Ellie on his shoulders. I thought it was funny.

Then we all went out for ice cream at Cold Stone and Ellie fell asleep on the way home.

It was a long day, but it was fun.

1 comment:

  1. ...why did they not want children carried on shoulders? Were they afraid that they'd hit their heads or something?
