A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Developments

The other day I was feeding Ellie some leftover shepherd's pie I had made. She would take a mouthful, then spit it all over. My reaction: Shaking my head vigorously and saying, "No" over and over again.

After doing this several times, I finally took a little break. When I came back about a minute later, I tried again. This time I offered the forkful of food and Ellie took a new stance by firmly keeping her mouth closed. No matter what I couldn't get the food in. Finally, rather frustrated, I said, "Are you going to eat this or not?"

Ellie looked at me for a minute, with food all over her face and slowly shook her head.

My baby is getting too big.


  1. That is so cute and funny. It's so crazy that they can finally understand things. Ashlynne has down the signs for "more" and "all done", which makes eating time simpler. Though, if she doesn't want something, she picks it up by handfuls and drops it on the floor. She gets two shots, and then I take the tray away. Lol.

  2. Atta girl, Ellie! (Just regarding the Shepherd's Pie. You should eat everything else your mom feeds you--which hopefully includes lots of ice cream.)
