A Daddy, a Momma, a Big Sister and a Baby Brother.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What I'm Grateful For

Ellie went to the doctor on Tuesday and Will and I had a bet going to see how big she was getting. I said shorter than 24 inches and less than 10 pounds. Will took the other options, longer than 24 and more than 10. We decided the loser had to decide what our dessert for the week was, since neither of us really wanted to make the decision, despite really wanting dessert. Turns out she was 22 1/2 inches (win for me!) and almost 10 1/2 pounds (win for Will, except that she almost peed on him right after she was weighed). We both won, we both lost, and we still haven't decided on a dessert. The main point of this is, Ellie is over 10 pounds. Besides that being crazy to me, it means she is too big for the diapers we had her in, which we'd both suspected, but tried to ignore. We wanted to finish off our last package of newborn diapers. After a morning of changing Ellie's clothes three times within a couple of hours, and washing a load of her clothing which I had to sort (about 50/50) into stain-remover or regular dirty clothes piles, I decided that it was just better to go up in diaper size. So we are officially out of newborn diapers and most newborn clothes. Go Ellie!

Today, I am grateful for bigger diapers. (She also got a ton of immunizations, so I'm also grateful for baby Tylenol).

On a similar, yet very different note, I am also grateful helping hands. Whether it's family who fight over who gets to hold Ellie, Sisters from church who are constantly offering to help, and my wonderful husband who sacrifices so much for our little family. We are very supported and blessed and so very, very grateful.

Today, I am grateful for my amazing Will.
Today, I am grateful for loving friends and family.

And finally, I am so grateful for my beautiful baby girl. She's turned my life upside down and backwards, but I'm loving (almost) every minute of it. I can't believe how much I love that little girl.

Today, I am grateful for Ellie.

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